Hot topic legal chats with thought leaders & industry experts from the Osgoode community
Strictly Legal, an Osgoode Professional Development podcast, is about all things legal. Each episode, we unpack
current issues affecting the legal landscape with the help of some of the industry's leading thinkers.
Download or stream the latest edition of Strictly Legal here and keep up to date on hot topic legal issues with some of the leading minds in the industry.
Episode 2: Who Owns Blockchain?
Episode 1: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).
Strictly Legal, an Osgoode Professional Development次元连接加速器_次元连接二次元加速器_次元连接吧:2021-9-7 · 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器 - 蜗牛娱乐网 2021年9月7日 - 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器时间:2021-09-07 来源:本站原创 作者:蜗牛 -小 +大安卓手游加速器,大部分都是日服游戏,主流日服游戏都有,目前 …
Each episode, we unpack current issues affecting the legal landscape with the help of some of the industry's leading thinkers.
Download or stream the latest edition of 可以连接国外线路的加速器 here and keep up to date on hot topic legal issues with some of the leading minds in the industry.
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China has banned Intial Coin Offerings (ICOs), meanwhile, Canada’s regulators are giving them a big break while outlining their views on the application of securities law to cryptocurrencies. And since the US Securities and Exchange Commission‘s ruled that ICO tokens may be classified as securities, we’ve seen an escalation of regulatory announcements on ICOs.
So, what exactly are ICOs?
This week's guests:
Heated fights over intellectual property are nothing new in promising technology markets. Are we poised for a revolution in the protection of all types of IP? The blockchain can be used to control and track the distribution of protected IP. Imagine a world where you could easily register and claim ownership over your original creative works – from music to photos to blogs. With the use of blockchain technology, that world is not so far away.
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This week's guest:
Episode 4: Artificial Intelligence - What does it look like in law?
There is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation currently circulating regarding AI and its application in legal frameworks.
In this episode of Strictly Legal, host Amy ter Haar tries to make sense of the thorny ethical and legal issues of AI with two powerful forces in the Toronto artificial intelligence community: Kathryn Hume and Carole Piovesan .
What are the distinctions between artificial intelligence, machine learning and cognitive computing? And just how far are we from unsupervised machine learning in law?
This week's guest:
国外连国内加速器_百度知道:2021-11-7 · 2021-11-23 国外连国内加速器哪个好? 2021-12-16 在国外玩国内的游戏用什么加速器好用? 28 2021-03-30 为什么很多外国游戏国内需要加速器才能玩? 27 2021-12-16 海外党玩国服用的是什么加速器? 2021-10-17 在国外用什么加速器玩国内游戏? 7 2021-07-08 Artificial Intelligence: Confronting the Legal and Ethical Issues of AI in Business (April 25, 2018).
Articles & References:
Have an idea for an episode or is there a legal issue you want to here more about?
Have an idea for an episode or is there a legal issue you want to here more about?
Episode 3: The #MeToo Movement - Emerging Trends in Sexual Assault Claims in Canada.
Over the last few weeks, reports of sexual assault have leapt – and these claims are not just bound to Hollywood’s elite. More and more victims are coming forward and sharing their stories with the help of #MeToo.
In this episode 可以连接国外网的软件 (Partner, Lerners LLP) joins OsgoodePD's Heather Gore Liddell to discuss the Canadian legal landscape in sexual assault and harassment, including why one might choose the civil system over the criminal system or vice versa; whether settlement gives relief to victims; and just how jurisdiction is determined in these cases.
Upcoming OsgoodePD CPD programs discussing sexual assault claims in Canda:
Episode 5: What the GDPR Means for Canadian Businesses
A set of sweeping new regulations took effect in late May, which some call it the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years. But what does it mean for Canadian businesses?
In this episode of Strictly Legal, host Amy ter Haar sits down with entrepreneur and tech expert 连接国外软件加速器 to discuss what GDPR is, why we should care, and the battle for privacy.
详解国内流行网游加速器原理、技术与实现-宅玩网:2021-6-15 · 1. 前言 网游加速器是针对个人用户快速连接网游服务器的一种服务。为了解决国内南北网络互联瓶颈的问题,“网络加速器”厂商通过搭建多个高带宽的双线机房(或通过租用双线VPS主机),并在这些机房的两大线路中架设多个节点服务器,然后为其编写“网络加速器客户端”,通过客户端判断用户 ...
This week's guest:
次元连接加速器_次元连接二次元加速器_次元连接吧:2021-9-7 · 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器 - 蜗牛娱乐网 2021年9月7日 - 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器时间:2021-09-07 来源:本站原创 作者:蜗牛 -小 +大安卓手游加速器,大部分都是日服游戏,主流日服游戏都有,目前 … 网络加速 - 网络软件 - 非凡软件站:2021-6-10 · Throttle(网络加速软件)是PGWare出品的网络加速软件,可自动根据处理器系列及操作系统版本进行优化!Throttle(网络加速软件)号称可以将你的 Internet 连接速度优化到200% 或者更高.
Articles & References:
Episode 6: Regulating in the Context of Change
There are few current perceived gaps in our existing regulatory framework. With new regulation and emerging technology, what are the challenges posed for regulators?
In this episode of Strictly Legal, host Amy ter Haar sits down with Malcolm Mercer and Nye Thomas.
Is there a contextual approach to principle-based regulation? Does more regulation solve the problem? Are there other avenues for intervention: social, educational, technological, legal/policy based? All these questions and more are answered here!
This week's guest:
Articles & References:
In this podcast, Professors Bruce Ryder and Alexandra Flynn discuss the contested legal terrain within the downsizing of the size of the City of Toronto's council by nearly half.
Professors Ryder and Flynn analyze Superior Court Justice Edward Belobaba's ruling to set aside Bill 5 and the court's finding that the government interfered with the right to freedom of expression for both candidates and voters when the province of Ontario passed the law in August.
Ultimately, Professors Ryder and Flynn affirm the importance of municipal governance and conclude that wards are but one important component of municipal representation and governance in the determination of municipal authority.
This week's guest:
Episode 7: Municipal Authority & the Charter - Next Steps with Bill 5
Episode 8: New Frontiers in Legal Knowledge Efficiency
In this podcast, Amy ter Haar sits down with Aaron Wenner, CEO, CiteRight and Mara Nickerson, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, to highlight how lawyers and knowledge management professionals are looking to reduce the friction involved in sharing knowledge within legal organizations.
We cover topics such as change management, including - business and practice of law, project management, and process optimization as well as legal technologies and data analytics.
Episode 9: The Careers We Make - Part I
In this podcast, Eliott Behar, author of Tell it to the World, sits down with us to explain why he thinks legal education is very valuable.
Eliott began a distinguished legal career as a Crown Prosecutor in Toronto and in 2013 moved to Silicon Valley to work for Apple, where he oversaw global investigations into cybercrime and international fraud and theft.
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WIFI连接器电脑版下载_WIFI连接器电脑版官方下载「含模拟 ...:2021-1-3 · WIFI连接器电脑版是一款热门的网络浏览软件,功能齐全,操作简单流畅,具备良好的用户体验。本站提供WIFI连接器电脑版下载。无线连接器是一个 ...
次元连接加速器_次元连接二次元加速器_次元连接吧:2021-9-7 · 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器 - 蜗牛娱乐网 2021年9月7日 - 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器时间:2021-09-07 来源:本站原创 作者:蜗牛 -小 +大安卓手游加速器,大部分都是日服游戏,主流日服游戏都有,目前 …
连接国外网站加速器_连接国外网站加速软件 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:加速比(speedup),是同一个任务在单处理器系统和并行处理器系统中运行消耗的时间的比率,用来衡量并行系统或程序并行化的性能和效果。另有“超线性加速比”(superlinear speedup),即加速比比处理器数更大的情况。超线性加速比很少出现。超线性加速比有几种可能的成因,如现代计算机的存储层
While the majority of industries are welcoming and adopting the technological innovations that are revolutionizing the way Canadian businesses operate, legal services providers have been typically reluctant to rely on digital channels to identify and verify client identity. However, all of this is changing with a new service by SecureKey, called Verified.Me.
In this podcast, Greg Wolfond, CEO of SecureKey talks about what legal professionals need to be aware of the specific solutions that are available to help them to verify the identity of their clients. He talks about how digital verification through allows for the streamlining of processes, allowing clients to securely prove they are who they say they are on a strict timeline and through an efficient workflow.
Verified.Me for the Legal Profession:
This week's guest:
次元连接加速器_次元连接二次元加速器_次元连接吧:2021-9-7 · 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器 - 蜗牛娱乐网 2021年9月7日 - 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器时间:2021-09-07 来源:本站原创 作者:蜗牛 -小 +大安卓手游加速器,大部分都是日服游戏,主流日服游戏都有,目前 …
Featured Guests: Jimmy Chan and Ayazhan Zhakhan, co-founders Castodia Inc.
Legal and technology communities are increasingly focused on how AI & Machine Learning systems can be developed and governed in a manner consistent with access to justice, respect for human rights and due process. A lot of companies focus on building and deploying AI & machine learning systems but fewer worry about whether they perform as intended in a way that is free of bias, prejudice, and errors that affect end users. Jimmy and Ayazhan talk about ethical AI, Instilling Canadian values in AI, and designing machine learning systems that could be worthy of implicit trust. They draw from their experience in building software to monitor and alert developers about issues in their machine learning models so that organizations can act accordingly.
This podcast highlights Canada's Directive on Automated Decision Making and other Canadian and international initiatives, strategies, voluntary guidelines dedicated to addressing these issues in whole or in part.
Episode 12: Jinyan Li Discusses the Tax Law LLM
海外和全局加速是什么意思?如何使用? – Baacloud:2021-3-18 · 海外加速:访问国内使用本地网络,访问国外使用代理网络。全局加速:无论访问国内国外均使用代理网络。 在连接线路前点击所需要的模式即可,凸选按钮是当前选择模式,软件可以记住选择。